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Select your membership

Annual Advance
Annual - Performance
Upfront Membership, 12 months for the price of 11. This membership gives exclusive access to the Performance Classes.
Annual - Senior
Upfront Membership, 12 months for the price of 11. We require proof of your age and this should be provided within the first 7 days of joining or your membership will be terminated.
Annual - Standard
Upfront Membership, 12 months for the price of 11.
Standard Memberships - Direct Debit
Emergency Services - 3 Month Minimum
3 Month Minimum Agreement. We require evidence that you meet, for example, NHS ID, within the first 7 days of you joining or your membership will be terminated.
per month
Senior - 12 Month Minimum
12 Month Minimum Agreement. We require proof of your age and this should be provided within the first 7 days of joining or your membership will be terminated.
per month
Standard - 12 Month Minimum
12 Month Minimum Agreement
per month
Standard - 3 Month Minimum
3 Month Minimum Agreement
per month
Student - 3 Month Minimum
3 Month Minimum Agreement. We require proof of being a student and you must provide this proof within the first 7 days of joining or your membership will be terminated.
per month
Performance Memberships - Direct Debit
Performance - 12 Months Minimum
12 Month Minimum Agreement. This membership gives exclusive access to the Performance Classes.
per month
Performance - 3 Months Minimum
3 Month Minimum Agreement. This membership gives exclusive access to the Performance Classes.
per month
Short Term
1 Month Upfront

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